Start building
your website now
Now you can go with your business online, with professional look, easy to use, easy to control, in everywhere you go. Manage your orders, Control inventory, and get your sales BOOST.
Start building
your website now
Now you can go with your business online, with professional look, easy to use, easy to control, in everywhere you go. Manage your orders, Control inventory, and get your sales BOOST.
Start building
your website now
Now you can go with your business online, with professional look, easy to use, easy to control, in everywhere you go. Manage your orders, Control inventory, and get your sales BOOST.
Start building
your website now
Now you can go with your business online, with professional look, easy to use, easy to control, in everywhere you go. Manage your orders, Control inventory, and get your sales BOOST.
Bring your website store to life
with a brilliant themes.
HOST WEBE marketplace gives you access to hundreds of free and premium
website store themes. Pick one that suits your style and start building.

Fall in love with freedom design.
Customize your website to your heart’s content with true design flexibility. No other builder lets you create and modify with such boundless creativity.
Build your site to do more.
Add online ordering, customer chat windows and anything else you need to transform your website into the ultimate can-do machine.
Choose you plan now.
* All prices in monthly basis, yearly plans will have 10% discount & one year domain name for free
Start your trial period for 30 days free of charge without any advance payment, or to use any payment methods we offer. It’s totally free, and you can cancelled any time you want, but we sure you will not do that because you will fall in love with your online store.
/per month
A plan suitable for small businesses that need basic features to sell and get your business on the right track
A plan suitable for small businesses that need basic features to sell and get your business on the right track
/per month
A plan that is suitable for the medium business that needs additional features to sell and helps to increase sales
A plan that is suitable for the medium business that needs additional features to sell and helps to increase sales
/per month
A plan that suits ambitious business that need many features of an unlimited products and boost sales
A plan that suits ambitious business that need many features of an unlimited products and boost sales
Grow your customers, your followers and your fist pumps.
Everything your website needs
from start-up to success.
Get Started Fast
Name your website, select a design template and start building with the right hosting plan.
Built For Results
Optimize with design freedom, marketing tools, insightful analytics and scalable growth.
Peace of Mind
Guaranteed reliability, automated security updates, backup data protection and 24/7 support.

Buy a domain and get your idea live

or Grab a plot of host
and start building.
A great place to start
your website or blog.
EGP 435.00/mo*
Sell, ship and process payments
with our e-commerce hosting.
EGP 300.00/mo*
Scalability and performance
for your growing website.
EGP 900.00/mo*
Bring your website store to life with a brilliant themes.
HOST WEBE marketplace gives you access to hundreds of free and premium website store themes. Pick one that suits your style and start building.

Fall in love with freedom design.
Customize your website to your heart’s content with true design flexibility. No other builder lets you create and modify with such boundless creativity.

Build your site to do more.
Add online ordering, customer chat windows and anything else you need to transform your website into the ultimate can-do machine.
Start your online store
* All prices in monthly basis, yearly plans will have 10% discount & one year domain name for free
Start your trial period for 30 days free of charge without any advance payment, or to use any payment methods we offer. It’s totally free, and you can cancelled any time you want, but we sure you will not do that because you will fall in love with your online store.
/per month
A plan suitable for small businesses that need basic features to sell and get your business on the right track
A plan suitable for small businesses that need basic features to sell and get your business on the right track
/per month
A plan that is suitable for the medium business that needs additional features to sell and helps to increase sales
A plan that is suitable for the medium business that needs additional features to sell and helps to increase sales
/per month
A plan that suits ambitious business that need many features of an unlimited products and boost sales
A plan that suits ambitious business that need many features of an unlimited products and boost sales
or Grab a plot of host and start building from scratch
A great place to start
your website or blog.
EGP 435.00/mo*
Sell, ship and process payments
with our e-commerce hosting.
EGP 300.00/mo*
Scalability and performance
for your growing website.
EGP 900.00/mo*
Buy a domain and get your idea live